Friday, April 26, 2024

The Beeswax Candle by Custom Candles by Daphne LLC

 This luxury candleπŸ•― is made from 100% beeswax🐝 and the highest quality oils. 

It is a clean burning natural candle that will burn for approximately 50 hours with proper care. 

100% Extra Fine Pure Brown Sugar! Graphic Tee

100% EXTRA FINE Pure Brown Sugar! ORDER YOUR'S TODAY. 

Admit it. You are dope! πŸ”₯

Of course I started this post yesterday! Well actually the day before, but hey at least I started and now I am back! 

The last couple of days have been busy, but not in the best ways. I have been testing all week on my job and yesterday I had to go to the doctor for an allergic reaction I am having on my face. Isn't that just lovely since I have the speaking engagement on Sunday! πŸ˜’

Last night I spent some time speaking and listening to the Women of Empowerment that are DREAM Consulting! Dr. Royond Hendrix has been one of my girlfriends for quite some time now. I am very proud of this chic! We have seen a few ups and downs and at the end we have SEEN THEM THROUGH and will continue to see them through. DrRo, as we call her has had this vision for at least 10 years, and last year she was able to bring it to fruition. I was not able to participate physically last year because of a prior engagement, but guess what? This year I will be in the building as a panelist during the Multicultural Circle.  The circle will consist of several other chosen panelist and a few conference participants. I am STOKED! I have done a few forums on my own, but not so much as a participant... more on the organizational side. I have a couple of podcasts that I have started, but have not been consistent about. Yes, suffering from the Imposter Syndrome at it's finest. Ironically,  there will be a session on that very subject. I CAN NOT wait! 

Well it is 7am now, and I really need to get going so that I am not late for this job that I am completely over! However, I need to continue to make it happen. Until later... I promise I will publish this note this afternoon - evening.  

That was yesterday, April 25, 2024...  The day got real crazy around 10am. 😞 My grandmother called me to inform me that she was headed to my aunt's house because she and her caregiver were fighting! Well if you know my aunt, then you know this is not surprising. More than a few people, family and friends, have had run-ins with her over the years. So much to the point, that not many people will actually deal with her. 

At any rate, I asked my grandmother did she need me to come. Of course she said no, but did she really mean "no"? Hell no! She's 95 years old and she has been dealing with this πŸ’© for 65 years. SHE. IS. TIRED!. But, most importantly, my grandmother does not deserve this! At this point in her life, she deserves peace and happiness. After all, she has raised her children, then her grandchildren, and she was most helpful with her great-grandchildren! 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Keep Going!

Keep Going!

Came across this video this morning and the message is simple, never allow others to bring you down. Keep fighting, you’ve got this! #Resiliance 

Yea, yea, yea... I wrote that several days (April 14) ago and never published it! Shame on me. Needless to say, forming this habit of writing everyday has proven to be daunting as I knew it would be. Don't get me wrong, I write everyday because that is the nature of my job as an educator, however, my goal is to write something for myself everyday. 

Despite not publishing my thoughts on this particular subject last week, it is still relevant to my journey today.  Today is April 22, 2024 and Earth Day. I woke up this morning around the usual time, 4am... I'm not sure where and when that habit began. All I know is that I have yet to break it. I typically can't go back to sleep easily, so I just get up and start my day most times.  This is the time that I try to write. I have come to the conclusion that it is the best time to get this done while having coffee! My mind is clear and I can concentrate better before the day's madness sets in. 

The last few weeks at school have been chaotic to say the least. Kids have been fighting all over the place, we've started state testing, prom, state championships, etc... you name it, it's going on! My businesses have been slow, and I just haven't had the energy to really put the effort needed in them. I'm thinking about retiring more and more each day, but knowing that I can't financially even if it were time. I still have a couple of more years.  With that being said, I've been trying to learn more and more about investing into the stock market.  I opened an investment account during the pandemic and was contributing regularly up until I was fired from my job after the road rage incident. (I'll tell y'all about that later.) I don't contribute much each month, just $100 and round-ups... gotta start somewhere. I'm working on knocking down my CC debt. I will contribute more when I can... I allow Acorns to pick the first ETFs in my portfolio, but recently selected my first two... an energy company (can't remember the name right now) and META.  I've been following a fellow that goes by the moniker Wallstreet Trapper. He is a good teacher, relatable.  Follow him on Instagram here. 

Time to get ready to take on the world. Have a wonderful #Earthday🌎! Tell someone you love them! πŸ’–

One more thing, I'm pretty excited about a couple of speaking events I have coming up! I will be the Mistress of Ceremony (MC) for the Lambda Nu Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.'s 50th chapter anniversary. I'm pretty excited about returning to the chapter I was initiated into 31 years ago tomorrow, April 23, 1993!πŸ”ΊπŸ˜  Later this summer, I will be a panelist and vendor for the DREAM Education Women's Empowerment Leadership Conference in Dallas, TX.  When it's your time, it's your time. Slow and steady is the pace... 

Friday, April 5, 2024

4/5/24 Running on Empty

 Yesterday I had the best intentions of writing. I'm trying to develop a routine to write something every day that is not work related. So, I had my ideas together for my topic and was playing around with the words that I wanted to put on canvas. But-umm guess what? I NEVER GOT OUT OF MY HEAD! 🀦🏽‍♀️

Today is a new day. New intentions and expectations have been set.  I wanted to put something down about friendships and how they evolve over time. The COVID pandemic of 2020 was a trying time for everyone. Relationships were formed while others dissolved. People had to come to harsh realities about their lives and how they were living them. We had to grapple with sickness, loneliness, and death. But, what a lot of us didn't expect, at least I didn't, was that many of our friendships/relationships were conditional or that they were just not as solid as we thought they were. 

Well that was yesterday (4/4) and I still didn't publish what I wrote! 🀦🏽‍♀️  At least I did write something! PROGRESS! Today my goal is to hit publish before the day ends! 🌞

Well it’s 11:43 pm and I am exhausted! Today was hectic at work, but I made it through thanks to my office mate, Kat.  Tomorrow will be just as busy. I will start the day at the high school for test prep;  after that I’m headed to sale some candles at PQC, my Alma mater. This weekend will kick off Founders Week. Tomorrow is the HS stepshow, and our step team will compete. Later in the evening is the National Pan-Hellenic Council Stepshow. Haven’t done that since undergrad. Wayyy too many people and too loud for me. 🀦🏽‍♀️ I’ve been an old lady for a long time! πŸ˜† I’m rambling, so let me hit publish! Stay tuned and #SpeakLife πŸ’‹ 

Monday, April 1, 2024

It's Not My Job... Oh, But It Is!

 It's Not My Job...

I'm kind of ashamed to say that I had this habit of saying, "That's not my job!" when it came to doing stuff that I just didn't want to do as a teacher. 

Like teaching stuff from the previous year or several years prior.

You know you've said it a time or two yourself!😜 We all do it. Well, guess what? It is our job to teachπŸ“š whatever the babies need to know. It doesn't really matter if the previous teacher failed to do it. That is on them. It is up to you to pick up the slack where others left off. I know that it is unfair, but how else can you teach what you need to teach? This doesn't just apply to education and educators either. As you know, a lot slip through the cracks and these are the co-workers that you complain about. Show them grace... πŸ’

Yesterday was Easter Sunday and we celebrated my son's 29th birthday. Today is what most consider April Fool's Day. It is a day filled with jokes and pranks. I hope that everyone enjoys their day and will take everything in stride. Remember to #ShowGrace #SpeakLife. 

Hopefully, today I will be better about getting out of my own head and putting it down in writing. Being consistent is not easy.  It has to be intentional.  Set a goal and develop a routine... 

This was taken at the Great Wall of China in 2019 just about 7 months before the COVID shut down. 

  Check out my new Be the BOSS - Bold, Optimistic, Smart, and Sophisticated Journal  NOW AVAILABLE for download by clicking the buy butto...